Primary flight control system
Primary flight control system

primary flight control system

Rudders may have yaw dampeners which reduce sensitivity and ease control for the pilot.Rudder pedals, located at the pilot's feet, control the rudder as well as aircraft steering on the ground, either directly or indirectly.Learn more here: Flying Magazine - How it Works: Stick Shaker/Pusher.Some controls will have shakers which are vibrating surfaces to warn the pilot of an unsafe condition, most commonly a stall.At the same time, the left aileron lowers, increasing camber and angle of attack on the left wing which increases upward lift and causes the aircraft to roll right.Yoke "turns" right: right aileron rises decreasing camber and angle of attack on the right-wing, which decreases lift on the right-wing.At the same time, the right aileron lowers, increasing camber and angle of attack, which increases upward lift, causing the aircraft to roll left.Yoke "turns" left: left aileron rises, decreasing camber (curvature) and angle of attack on the left-wing, which decreases lift on the left-wing.The yoke, or control stick, manipulates the airfoil through a system of cables and pulleys and act in an opposing manor.Think you've got a solid understanding of flight controls? Don't miss the flight controls quiz below, and topic summary.

primary flight control system

Though flight controls are somewhat standard, they can vary in design and capability from aircraft to aircraft.Nothing lasts forever, and unfortunately, pilots may be required to confront flight control malfunctions which can produce varying degree's of danger to control of the aircraft.Pilots must check the flight control system during preflight to avoid known issues.Additionally, other flight controls not necessarily controlled by the pilot but serve to produce an aerodynamic effect in flight.Secondary flight controls are used in conjunction with primary flight controls to refine aircraft manipulations further.In the case of many conventional airplanes, the primary flight controls utilize hinged, trailing edge surfaces called elevators for pitch, ailerons for roll, and the rudder for yaw.The pilot has a set of flight controls to manipulate the aircraft.Flight control systems govern the necessary inputs to manipulate control surfaces for the pilot to control the aircraft.

Primary flight control system